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Chinese travel companies are responding to an earthquake that rocked Japan’s Osaka yesterday morning, with route adjustments and refunds. Juneyao Airlines has offered free rescheduling and refunds on already booked air tickets to Osaka. Online travel service operator Ctrip, which has several thousand customers now in the Japanese city, is offering refunds on already booked tickets to certain scenic spots and entertainment venues in Osaka. Because of the suspension of the area’s Shinkansen bullet trains, Ctrip is also making adjustments to the itineraries of tourists in Osaka, it said. The online travel agency has sent safety reminder messages to travelers who booked hotels and hired vehicles in Osaka via its platform. It has also initiated its global travel SOS system for independent travelers who might need emergency assistance. Shanghai traveler Jasmine Zhao is currently in Osaka with her husband. They are scheduled to leave tomorrow. “We heard a very loud sound when the earthquake hit, it sounded like something very heavy falling down,” she told Shanghai Daily. The couple originally planned to visit Nara yesterday, but were forced to give up the plan after the quake. “The Shinkansen trains were suspended, and we found many people stranded at stations when we walked there,” she said.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.shine.cn/news/metro/1806196737/
A Simple Analysis Of Rational Systems Of
Currently, members of Congress are not prohibited from flying lavishly and first-class, and there are no disincentives or laws preventing member of Congress, Cabinet secretaries or heads of agencies from doing so. The absence of laws preventing either Cabinet secretaries or members of Congress from flying first class, is one reason why I became a co-sponsor of Rep. Rod Blum’s (R-Iowa) bill to prevent members from doing so. It’s simply not right. Every elected official and every government official needs to remember – we are not spending the government’s money, we are spending taxpayer’s money. I decided to continue the fight to protect taxpayer dollars by taking it a step further and by not only limiting the Legislative Branch, but also the Executive Branch. As a result of the recent reports, and the actions of previous administrations, I introduced the Formally List Your Travel Act, or FLY Act . This bill would ensure that all heads of federal agencies and Cabinet secretaries submit their travel logs more frequently. Currently all agencies are required to submit their travel information to the General Services Administration (GSA) no later than Nov.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/the-administration/393721-ensuring-greater-transparency-in-the-travel-of-heads
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